Thank for Your registration to: www.urania-europa.com
We make all our works by hand one by one and, when necessary, also on size. We work with copper, silver, brass and bronze to make jewellery: necklaces, rings, bracelets, anklets…
then we also have a therapeutic line-products: the latest is an heating plaster against muscular tension, made of copper, virgin wax and hemp oil…
For help just write to me info@urania-europa.com and I will help you find what you are looking for…
There are two of us working, (Emanuela and Maurizio) in a very small house-laboratory!
—Watch our work also on social channels—–
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100078004488344
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyIUkS9bLetNj66UXWsSoNw